Carers Together visit Sensory Room
6th May 2017
Today sees the Diamond Sensory Room once again full to capacity, and we will even have a party of four along from Premiership-bound Hibernian to view the room and ask for advice and pointers.
One of the local organisations who have been instrumental in helping to get the room up and running, and are also working closely with future Trust community initiatives, such as the Sporting Memories project, is North Lanarkshire Carers Together. They are a campaigning organisation who provide a voice for carers, offering an invaluable information and signposting service that helps carers make choices that are best for them and the person they care for.
Marc Howard from the organisation told "An Unpaid Carer is anyone who provides care to family members, other relatives, partners, friends and neighbours of any age affected by disability frailty or substance misuse.
"North Lanarkshire Carers Together is a Campaigning, Information & Signposting Organisation for Unpaid Carers in North Lanarkshire, our aim is to provide unpaid carers with the information on services and supports that can support them in their caring role.
"On Saturday the 6th May Carers Together Information Staff will be in attendance at Excelsior Stadium handing our Carer Information Post Cards. Stop for a chat, say hello even if you are not a carer - one in three people in Scotland are carers… they just may not realise yet".
Marc and his team will be on the concourse before the match and at half time, and will also be visiting the Sensory Room to chat with any carers and parents offering advice and help.